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2021-09-08 09:32 來源: 【字體:    打印

All You Need to Know About Hainan QFLP Measures

On October 10, 2020, Hainan Local Financial Supervision and Administration (the “Hainan FSA”), Hainan Administration for Market Regulation, Haikou Central Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China and Hainan Branch of China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly promulgated the Interim Measures of Hainan Province on Domestic Equity Investment for Qualified Foreign Limited Partners (the “Hainan QFLP Measures” or the “Measures”). As a significant scheme of financial reform and innovation in Hainan Province, the Measures contain several highlights, including: lifting the threshold on formation and registration of foreign-invested equity investment management enterprises (“Hainan QFLP PFMs”) and foreign-invested equity investment enterprises (“Hainan QFLP Funds”, collectively, the “Hainan QFLP Entities”), implementing nondiscriminatory treatment for both domestic and foreign investors, and regulating the investment scope of Hainan QFLP Funds with a negative list, all of which have laid a solid institutional foundation for attracting foreign capital into Hainan PE/VC market.


Based on Jingtian & Gongcheng Investment Fund and Asset Management Team’s ten years of experience with QFLP pilot schemes in all thirteen regions (e.g., in our role as member of the QFLP expert review committees, adviser to relevant financial services offices on the drafting or amendment of QFLP measures and legal counsel to our clients in applying for QFLP pilot status, including clients among the first batch of Hainan QFLP Entities), this article sets out to analyze the Hainan QFLP Measures from the following six aspects, (i) the background of the Hainan QFLP Measures, (ii) the main models of Hainan QFLP Funds, (iii) formation and operation supervision of Hainan QFLP Entities, (iv) investment scope of Hainan QFLP Funds, (v) preferential policies available to Hainan QFLP Entities, and (vi) a comparison chart of the Hainan QFLP Measures and QFLP pilot schemes in other popular regions.


I.         Background of the Hainan QFLP Measures

Shanghai took the lead in establishing a local pilot scheme for foreign equity investment in 2010. Subsequently, other regions such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Qingdao, Chongqing, Guizhou (Guiyang Comprehensive Bonded Zone), Fujian Pingtan, Zhuhai, Guangzhou, Suzhou and Xiamen followed suit and have established their respective local QFLP pilot scheme.


In order to actively promote the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port (the “Port”), the Hainan FSA and other competent government authorities drew on other pilot regions’ experience in QFLP pilot schemes, and implemented the much attractive Measures, which is easier, more convenient, and more responsive to market needs:


?   On June 1, 2020, the State Council issued the Overall Plan for the Construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port (the “Overall Plan”).[1] Pursuant to the Overall Plan, cross-border capital flows within the Hainan Free Trade Port are free and flexible. The Hainan Free Trade Port shall adhere to the principle of providing financial services to real economy, with its focus on trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. Restriction on capital account shall be opened up in several stages, and free and flexible capital flows between the port and foreign areas will be promoted in an orderly manner.


?   On June 8, 2020, at the press conference held by the State Council Information Office for introduction of the Overall Plan, Mr. Pan Gongsheng, Vice Governor of the Peoples Bank of China and Director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, introduced the relevant financial policies to support construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port. In terms of cross-border direct investments, the Port will implement two pilot schemes, namely, the QFLP (qualified foreign limited partner) scheme and the QDLP (qualified domestic limited partner) scheme.


?   On October 10, 2020, the Hainan QFLP Measures were issued, and meanwhile the Hainan FSA and other government authorities have been actively working towards the issuance of pilot QDLP measures.


II.      Main Models of Hainan QFLP Fund Formation

Pursuant to the Measures, Hainan QFLP Entities consist of Hainan QFLP PFMs and Hainan QFLP Funds:


?   Hainan QFLP PFMs: enterprises that are duly formed pursuant to the applicable laws and invested by foreign enterprises or individuals, operate within Hainan Province, and mainly engage in the business of forming or managing Hainan QFLP Funds.


?   Hainan QFLP Funds: enterprises that are duly formed by foreign enterprises or individuals (or alternatively, formed wholly or partially with investments from such foreign enterprises or individuals), operate within Hainan Province, and raise funds in a non-public manner from domestic and/or foreign investors for re-investment in securities of domestic non-public companies.


As one of the highlights, the Measures impose nondiscriminatory treatment on both domestic and foreign investors, featuring two business models (i.e., “domestic manager managing foreign capital” and “foreign manager managing domestic capital”), and impose the same requirements on both domestic and foreign-invested Hainan QFLP PFMs. Fund promoters may sponsor and form Hainan QFLP Funds by the following models:


Model 1: A fund promoter with foreign investment can newly establish a Hainan QFLP PFM, which can form one or more Hainan QFLP Fund(s) in Hainan Province;


Model 2: A PE/VC fund management enterprise that is already established in Hainan Province or other regions within China (either domestic-funded or foreign-funded) may directly form one or more Hainan QFLP Fund(s) in Hainan Province.


The first Hainan QFLP Fund (Hainan Bocom International Sci-Tech Shengxing Equity Investment Partnership (L.P.)) adopted the structure of Model 2, with a fund management enterprise registered with the Asset Management Association of China (the “AMAC”) (i.e., Bank of Communications International Equity Investment Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.) acting as its general partner and fund manager. The AUM is about USD100 million.


In addition, the Measures also specify that Hainan QFLP PFMs may form or manage ordinary PE/VC funds (i.e., non-QFLP funds) in Hainan Province and other regions.[2]


III.   Formation, Registration and Post-Registration Supervision of Hainan QFLP Entities

1.        Highlights of Policies for Formation and Registration of Hainan QFLP Entities

Compared with the QFLP pilot schemes in other regions, the Measures are easier and more convenient in terms of formation and registration of Hainan QFLP Entities:


(1)    The Measures explicitly specify that there is no threshold requirement for formation and registration of Hainan QFLP PFMs and Hainan QFLP Funds, including no requirement regarding minimum registered capital or capital commitment, currency of capital contribution, initial contribution ratio, monetary contribution ratio, and no time limit for such contribution, etc.


(2)    The Measures further simplify the formation and registration process for Hainan QFLP Entities and replace the Joint Conference[3] approval mechanism (for QFLP pilot scheme qualifications) with a “Letter of Recommendation” mechanism, that is, as long as any competent authority, including any department under direct supervision of Hainan Province, any municipal or county government (or authorized financial management department at the same level), or administrative committee of a key industrial park, issues a Letter of Recommendation to the Hainan Administration for Market Regulation and copies the same to the Hainan FSA, the Hainan Administration for Market Regulation shall register the relevant Hainan QFLP PFM or Hainan QFLP Fund.


The relevant materials that Hainan QFLP Entities shall file to the competent authorities when applying for a Letter of Recommendation include:


2.        Qualification Requirements for Senior Officers

In accordance with the Hainan QFLP Measures, Hainan QFLP PFMs shall have at least two senior officers satisfying all of the following conditions. It should be noted that the requirements of the Hainan QFLP Measures in respect of practice experience, work experience, credit records, and other aspects of senior officers are higher than the general requirements of the AMAC for senior officers, and enterprises applying for Hainan QFLP qualification need to make a reasonable judgment on whether such requirements can be satisfied. Said senior officers should be:


(a)    With more than five years of experience in equity investment or equity investment management business;

(b)   With more than two years of experience in holding senior officer positions;

(c)    With experience in engaging in equity investment in China or working experience in a financial institution in China; and

(d)   With no record on violation of laws or outstanding economic dispute litigation in the last five years, and his/her personal credit record is good.

The definition of “senior officers” includes: directors, supervisors, general manager, deputy general manager, chief financial officer, board secretary of a corporate-type enterprise, and other personnel specified in the corporate’s articles of association; general partners of a partnership-type enterprise and other personnel specified in the limited partnership agreement. Where a general partner of a partnership-type enterprise is a legal entity, the senior officers of such legal entity shall also be deemed senior officers of the relevant Hainan QFLP PFMs.


3.        Formation and Operation Procedures of Hainan QFLP Entities

During the formation and operation of Hainan QFLP Entities, the following matters shall be noted:


?   Industrial Park: As of now, the Hainan Free Trade Port has set up following 11 key parks. These parks cover three major industries: modern services, advanced technologies, and tourism.

-          Modern Service Industrial Park: Haikou Jiangdong New Area, Haikou Integrated Free Trade Zone, Sanya Central Business District, Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone.

-          High-tech Industrial Park: Yangpu Economic Development Zone, Haikou National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, Wenchang International Aerospace City, Hainan Ecological Software Park and Haikou Fullsing Internet Industrial Park.

-          Tourism Park: Hainan Lingshui Li’an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone.

?   Letter of Recommendation: Hainan Administration for Market Regulation is responsible for the registration of fund enterprises. In addition to Hainan QFLP Entities, the other fund management enterprises/fund enterprises formed in Hainan Province also need to obtain a letter of recommendation issued by a relevant functional department under direct supervision of the provincial government or by the city/county government, to Hainan Administration for Market Regulation, before going through the registration procedures. This fully demonstrates the advantage of the Hainan QFLP Measures of treating domestic and foreign investors equally without discrimination, which means the same (or even easier) preposing procedures will apply to Hainan QFLP Entities, compared with other domestic fund management enterprises/fund enterprises.


?   Registration: Hainan Administration for Market Regulation simplifies the offline formation and registration process and shortens the time required for the formation, that is, as long as all required materials are submitted, an enterprise may directly apply for a business license from Hainan Administration for Market Regulation after completing online approval of its name and examination of the submitted materials.


?   Foreign Exchange Registration and Opening of Accounts: The applicant shall entrust a qualified commercial bank to handle foreign exchange registration and open of accounts (including capital account, special account for fund raising and settlement, escrow account, etc.)


?   Investment Operations: (a) Where there is any change in the enterprise name, business scope, shareholders or partners, capital commitment or capital contribution, time limit for contribution, organization form, senior officers, etc., of Hainan QFLP Entities, the entity’s registration shall be changed accordingly pursuant to the relevant regulations; and (b) Hainan QFLP Entities shall report the following significant matters in their investment operations on a semi-annual basis to the Hainan FSA: information on operation of investment projects, amendments to important legal documents, other matters required by the Hainan FSA, etc.


?   Project Realization and Distribution: Hainan QFLP Entities may distribute profits, liquidate, or withdraw its capital in accordance with the articles of association or the limited partnership agreement. Hainan QFLP Entities shall submit the relevant evidentiary materials to the bank for outward remittance of profits, dividends, and bonuses; and it may only make outward remittance upon examination and approval. Communicating with the foreign exchange regulatory bank in advance to confirm the requirements of the specific evidentiary materials is recommended.


IV.   Investment Scope of Hainan QFLP Funds

The investment scope of Hainan QFLP Funds is regulated by a negative list, which means the Hainan QFLP Funds may carry out businesses not covered by the negative list. In accordance with Article 21 of the Hainan QFLP Measures, the negative list prohibits investments of Hainan QFLP Funds in the following areas:


(1)      Invest in fields where foreign investment is prohibited;

(2)      Trade in stocks and corporate bonds in the secondary market;[4]

(3)      Trade in futures and other financial derivatives;

(4)      Invest in non-self-use real estate;

(5)      Misappropriate non-self-owned capital to make investment;

(6)      Provide loans or guarantees to non-investee enterprises; and

(7)      Engage in other activities prohibited by the laws and/or regulations.

V.      Preferential Policies Available to Hainan QFLP Entities

Eligible Hainan QFLP Entities and their senior officers and employees may, in accordance with the laws, enjoy preferential policies on enterprise income tax, individual income tax, and talent awards (including talent settlement, purchase of car and house, employment of spouse, enrollment of children, medical care and housing support) in the Hainan Free Trade Port. Hainan QFLP Entities that have settled down in key industrial parks may further enjoy preferential policies of the area where the park is located. For details of the preferential policies, please refer to our previous article – Approaching Hainan Free Trade Port: Gathering of Government and Industry Experts to Escort Private Equity Investments in Hainan.[5]


The Hainan QFLP Measures clearly stipulate that Hainan QFLP Entities will be actively promoted to be included in the catalogue of encouraged industries in the Hainan Free Trade Port as provided in the Circular on Preferential Corporate Income Tax Policies for the Hainan Free Trade Port (Cai Shui [2020] No.31),[6] so that Hainan QFLP Entities may enjoy preferential enterprise income tax policies.[7]


On September 1, 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission promulgated the Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Hainan Free Trade Port (2020 Version, Draft for Comment) (the “Draft”). Although the encouraged industries in Hainan Province as specified in the Draft do not include private equity funds and private equity fund management enterprises, the “development of a two-way open service system for cross-border investment and financing” as specified in Article 72 thereof leaves some room for QFLP funds, QDLP funds, and their fund management enterprises to be recognized as encouraged industries in Hainan Province. Given that the Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Hainan Free Trade Port and relevant detailed rules for such recognition have not been officially launched, it remains uncertain whether Hainan QFLP Funds, Hainan QDLP Funds, and their fund management enterprises can be recognized as encouraged industries in the Hainan Free Trade Port.


VI.   Comparison of the Hainan QFLP Measures with QFLP Pilot Measures in Other Popular Regions

In order to help readers understand the differences between Hainan QFLP Measures and QFLP pilot schemes in other regions, we have prepared the following comparison table based on the QFLP pilot schemes in Shanghai and Shenzhen:



Hainan QFLP Measures


Shanghai/Shenzhen QFLP Pilot Schemes

Registered Capital


No restriction on the amount of registered capital and capital commitment of Hainan QFLP PFMs and Hainan QFLP Funds


Shanghai and Shenzhen:

?   The registered capital (or capital commitment) of a QFLP fund management enterprise shall be no less than USD 2 million;

?   The capital commitment of a QFLP fund shall be no less than USD 15 million.

No restriction on the ratio and time limit of initial capital contribution to Hainan QFLP PFMs

Shanghai and Shenzhen:

More than 20% of the registered capital (or capital commitment) of a QFLP fund management enterprise shall be paid in within three months of the issuance of its business license, and the remainder shall be paid in within two years.

No restriction on the amount of capital commitment from a single investor of Hainan QFLP Funds


Except for the general partners, the capital contribution amount of each limited partner of a Shanghai QFLP fund shall be no less than USD 1 million.

Background of Shareholders

No restrictions on the background or qualifications of foreign shareholders or partners of Hainan QFLP PFMs


Foreign investors of a Shanghai QFLP fund management enterprise shall satisfy all of the following conditions:

?   Size of self-owned assets or assets managed by the enterprise: In the last accounting year prior to the application, the size of self-owned assets shall be no less than USD 500 million or the size of assets managed by the enterprise shall be no less than USD 1 billion;

?   Governance Structure and Internal Control System: The enterprise shall have a sound governance structure and a comprehensive internal control system; it has not been punished by the judicial authorities or relevant regulatory authorities in the past two years;

?   Investment Experience: A foreign investor or any of its affiliated entities shall have more than five years of relevant investment experience;

?   Other conditions as required by the Joint Conference.


Foreign shareholders or partners of a Shenzhen QFLP fund management enterprise shall satisfy at least one of the following conditions:

?   Size of self-owned assets or assets managed by the enterprise: In the last accounting year prior to the application, the size of self-owned assets (net assets) shall be no less than the equivalent of USD 100 million or the size of assets managed shall be no less than the equivalent of USD 200 million;
自有資產(chǎn)或管理資產(chǎn)規(guī)模:在申請(qǐng)前的上一會(huì)計(jì)年度,具備自有資產(chǎn)(凈資產(chǎn))規(guī)模不低于 1 億美元等值貨幣或管理資產(chǎn)規(guī)模不低于 2 億美元等值貨幣;

?   Financial License: The enterprise holds an asset management license issued by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (or any other financial regulatory authorities outside of mainland China).

No restrictions on the background or qualifications of the domestic shareholders or partners of Hainan QFLP PFMs


Domestic shareholders or partners of a Shenzhen QFLP fund management enterprise shall satisfy at least one of the following conditions:

?   Being licensed financial institutions approved by Chinese financial regulatory authorities, including commercial banks, securities companies, insurance company, trust company, financial leasing enterprise, public fund management enterprise, etc., or primary subsidiaries of said financial institutions in which they hold more than 50% of shares.

?   Being large-scale enterprises with key support and introduction of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, and having self-owned assets (net assets) no less than RMB 500 million or managed assets no less than RMB 1 billion in the last accounting year prior to the application; and having been profitable in the last three consecutive years with an aggregate net profits of no less than RMB 60 million and an aggregate amount of paid-in tax of no less than RMB 18 million.


The Hainan Free Trade Port’s soil of reform and innovation has bred an unprecedentedly easy QFLP policy, and the launch of Hainan’s QDLP scheme is gaining speed.[8] According to the news, domestic and foreign financial institutions and leading fund managers have gone to Hainan Province to seek cooperation, and many investment institutions are eager to start up their business in Hainan Province.[9] It is expected that, in the context of the gradually improved policy system and business environment, the institutional advantages of forming cross-border investment funds in Hainan will be fully unleashed, and various asset management institutions all over the world will be encouraged to gather in the Hainan Free Trade Port.


[1] Please refer to/請(qǐng)參見: http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/2020-06/01/content_5516608.htm.

[2] Article 6 of the Measures provide that foreign-invested equity investment management enterprises may form RMB funds by offering directed towards domestic investors that meet the relevant requirements.

[3] The joint conference examination and approval process for pilot scheme qualification (the Joint Conference) means that in pilot regions such as Shanghai and Shenzhen, formation of QFLP funds shall be generally reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis. Pursuant to this procedure, the industrial and commercial registration process for the relevant entity/fund will not be initiated until there is examination of the entity/fund and approval from a joint conference (or working group), led by the local financial affairs office and composed of a number of relevant regulatory departments (including but not limited to the municipal financial affairs office, the municipal commercial administrative department, the municipal market supervision and administration department, the municipal development and reform commission, the municipal foreign exchange administration bureau, and the municipal finance bureau).

[4] Hainan QFLP Funds may invest in the trading of stocks and corporate bonds in the secondary market recognized by the Hainan Local Financial Supervision and Administration, the Hainan Regulatory Administration of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Haikou Central Sub-branch of the Peoples Bank of China, the Hainan Administration for Market Regulation and other administrative departments, which leaves certain room for the investment of the Hainan QFLP Funds in the stocks of listed companies and the trading of corporate bonds.

[5] Please refer to/請(qǐng)參見: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UTemw6WLgzw7HWKGbGkTzQ.

[7] The catalogue of encouraged industries in the Hainan Free Trade Port includes The Guiding Catalogue for the Adjustment of Industrial Structure (2019 Edition), The Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment (2019 Edition) and the Catalogue of Newly Added Encouraged Industries in the Hainan Free Trade Port.

[8] Mr. Shen Danyang, vice-governor of Hainan Province, said at 2020 Jinniu Asset Management Forum organized by the China Securities Journal on August 22, 2020, that Hainan Province is actively striving to launch the pilot program of QDLP, and speeding up attracting and gathering top international asset management institutions. Efforts are being made to explore ways to relax the pilot quota for a single fund management enterprise and the quota for a single investment project, and further clarify the scope of foreign investment of the funds. In terms of additional quota issuance, settlement of institutions, talent gathering, and other aspects, the government will accelerate the construction of a policy system and business environment more favorable for the development of global asset management institutions, and promote the gathering of various global asset management institutions in the Hainan Free Trade Port, so as to better meet the needs of investors for diversified global asset allocation.

[9] Please refer to/請(qǐng)參見: Hainans Financial Industry Opening up! Bring New Investment Opportunities for Global Enterprises (《海南金融業(yè)大開;放!為全球企業(yè)帶來投資新機(jī)遇》), www.ifeng.com.cn/c/7zKX2LZ4Qtf.

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