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2021-09-08 09:35 來源: 【字體:    打印

為了支持海南高效落實開展合格境內有限合伙人(QDLP)試點工作,進一步滿足境內投資者全球資產配置的需求,海南自由貿港金融發展中心(以下簡稱“海金中心”)率先推出面向QDLP基金企業的全流程服務方案,提供一對一專人 “一站式”服務,旨在更好地提升QDLP基金企業的落地效率,優化海南營商環境,助力QDLP基金企業合理、高效的開展境外投資業務。

In order to support the implementation of the Qualified Domestic Limited Partner (QDLP) pilot program in Hainan and meet the needs of domestic investors for global asset allocation, Hainan Free Trade Port Financial Development Center (hereinafter the "HFDC") has taken the lead and prepared the QDLP service solution covering the full application procedure. The “one-stop” one-to-one service solution will improve the efficiency of application procedure, optimize the business environment of Hainan and help QDLP fund enterprises investing overseas in more rational and efficiency ways.

一、 QDLP基金管理人 QDLP fund managers



1. Qualification diagnosis of the proposed enterprise

When the fund shareholders initiate the establishment of the pilot fund management enterprise, HFDC will provide qualification diagnosis for the proposed pilot fund management enterprise, issue background investigation report, and assist theHainan Financial Supervision Bureau in qualification check. Ensure there is no significant risk with the major shareholders, associated entities and practitioners of the QDLP application enterprise, comply with relevant laws and regulations with the interim measures for Hainan QDLP.



2.  Consultation of application plan

According to the status quo of the pilot fund management enterprise, HFDC will provide full range consultation, including government policies interpretation, business registration consulting, etc. Assist the enterprises clarify investment framework, provide reasonable suggestions for the proposed investment scale and direction based on the financial policies.



3. Preparation of application materials

Assist the preparation of application materials for pilot fund management enterprise, including sorting, modifying, typesetting and binding. Checking the contents of the application materials and ensure the completeness without major omissions.



4. Submitting the materials to the Hainan Financial Supervision Bureau

The HFDC assists the pilot management enterprises to submit the materials to Hainan Financial Supervision Bureau, improve the efficiency of the application and save labor cost and time cost for the pilot fund management enterprise.



5. Supplementary materials for internal audit required by the Hainan Financial Supervision Bureau (if needed)

Assist pilot management enterprises in revising and supplementing materials based on internal audit comments. Save the labor and time cost for the pilot fund management enterprise.



6. Joint review of provincial departments

Hainan Financial Supervision Bureau organizes provincial departments to jointly review and comprehensively evaluate the application based on the expertise, private investment experience,overseas investment strategies, the actual needs of the proposed investments, etc. of the applicant, and put forward the proposed list of the pilot fund enterprises and the suggestions on their initial pilot quota.



7. Pilot Quota of Enterprises

The written opinion issued by the provincial administration for financial regulation on granting the pilot qualification and pilot quota (The first batch of pilot enterprises and quota proposals need to be reported to the provincial government for approval).



8. Business registration

After obtaining the written opinion on granting the pilot qualification and quota, the pilot fund management enterprise and pilot fund shall conduct registration with the provincial administration for market regulation and conduct the registration.HFDC can guide the enterprises for business registration.



9. Opening bank accounts

Registered pilot management enterprises can open bank accounts upon business registration materials and written approval documents of theprovincial administration for financial regulation. HFDC cooperates with banks and provides relevant banking resources to help enterprises handle relevant business efficiently.



10. Register with AMAC

After the pilot management enterprises registered capital was paid in full, the pilot fund management enterprise shall conduct the registration procedure with the AMAC. HFDC can coordinate with AMAC.



11. Periodic Regulatory Scrutiny

The pilot fund management enterprises shall submit quarterly and annual reports to the provincial administration for financial regulation on time. The quarterly report shall include, without limitation to, subscription scale, scale of paid-in capital, investor information, investment, exit, net asset value of the funds, purchase and settlement of foreign exchange, change of funds in the account, etc.; the annual report shall include, without limitation to, change of funds, settlement and sale of foreign exchange, overseas investment, major changes, audit report, etc. of the pilot funds for the last year.HFDC will assist communication between enterprises and theprovincial administration for financial regulation.

二、 QDLP基金產品 QDLP Fund Products



1. Approval of Fund Enterprises

Official registration requires pilot funds in the form of corporation and partnership to submit pilot written opinion draw by theprovincial administration for financial regulation and other related authorities to theprovincial administration for market regulation. HFDC will assist enterprises' managers in applying and obtaining pilot written opinions.   



2. Business Registration

Theprovincial administration for financial regulation and other related authorities will contact with the provincial administration for market regulation after issuing written opinions for pilot funds (without enterprise involvement). HFDC can guide pilot fund enterprises to conduct business registration in the proposed provincial administration for market regulation.



3. Opening bank accounts

Pilot fund managers can open accounts for pilot fundraising from qualified domestic investors and custody of funds. HFDC can connect the pilot fund enterprises with banking resources to execute the business efficiently.



4. Filing with the AMAC

After the pilot management enterprises registered capital was paid in full, the pilot fund management enterprise shall conduct the filing procedure with the AMAC.



5. Foreign Exchange Registration

Pilot fund needs to bring the application letter, written opinions on granting the pilot qualification and pilot quota, the registration and filing certificate of the AMAC, and the rationality explanation of the scale of overseas investment (outflow) to the Hainan Branch of the SAFE for foreign exchange registration. HFDC can assist enterprises to prepare complete materials for foreign exchange registration at Hainan Branch of SAFE.



6. Conduct investment business

Pilot funds will conduct oversea investment business after bank settlement.



7. Periodic Regulatory Scrutiny

HFDC will promote communication between enterprises and theprovincial administration of financial regulation, as pilot management enterprises do.

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